WOOD’S DESPATCH-I854 Wood's Despatch came to be known after the name of Sir Charles Wood, who was the President of the Board of Control, The Despatch imposed upon the Government the task of creating a properly articulated scheme of education from primary school to the University. The instruction in State schools and colleges was to be ‘exclusively secular’. Objects of the Organization of Educational Policy “Among many subjects of importance, none can have a stronger claim to our attention than that of education. It is one of our most sacred duties, to be the means, as far as in us lies, of conferring upon the natives of India those vast moral and material blessings which flow from the general diffusion of useful knowledge, and which India may, under Providence, derive from her connexion with England ......... We have, moreover, always looked upon the encouragement of education as peculiarly important, because calculated “not only to produce a higher...